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Donating £25 could...

pay for one hour of tutoring for a student who wouldn't otherwise have access to personalised learning

Donate £25

Last year we delivered over 1400 hours of tutoring to students who wouldn't otherwise have access to personalised learning. Help us do more this year!

Donating £50 could...

sponsor one child for a Peppo Pioneers day out, including a theatre ticket

Donate £50

Last year we took a group of students to London Zoo, where they were able to interact with the animals and learn about careers with wildlife. This year we want to give more students extracurricular experiences!

Donating £100 could...

support the development of our conversation programme for refugees and asylum seekers

Donate £100

This summer we launched the English Conversation Club for Ukrainian Refugees. We want to grow the ECC to support young refugees and asylum seekers arriving in the UK from all over the world!

Donating £250 could...

sponsor a student through a full course of Peppo tutoring

Donate £250

Last year we had 66 tutors giving life changing academic support to students across London. This year we have over 100 tutor and want to reach students across the country!

Want to support Peppo Tutors in another way?